Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps are very common as recognized as involuntary contraction of muscles that doesn't relax. Cramps can involve part of a muscle or all the muscles in a group. The most commonly affected muscle groups are:
  • Back of lower leg/ calf ( gastrocnemius)
  • Back of thigh ( hamstrings)
  • Front of thigh ( quadriceps)
  • Feet, hands, arms, abdomen
Muscle cramps range in intensity from a slight twitch or tic to severe pain. A cramped muscle can feel rock- hard and last a few second to several minutes or longer. It is not uncommon for cramp to ease up and then return several times before they goes entirely.

Cramps usually go away on their own without treatment, but these tips will help speed the process.
  • Stop the activity that cause the cramp.
  • Gently stretch and massage the cramping muscle.
  • Hold the joint in a stretched position until the cramp stops.
  • Improve fitness and avoid muscle fatigue.
  • Stretch regularly before exercise.
  • Warm up before exercise.
  • Stretch the calf muscle: In a standing lunge with both feet pointed forward, straighten the rear leg.
  • Stretch the hamstring muscle: Sit with one leg folded in and the other straight out, foot upright and toes and ankle relaxed. Lean forward slightly and touch foot of straightened leg. ( Repeat with opposite leg)
  • Strecth the quadriceps muscle: While standing, hold top of foot with opposite hand and gently pull heel towards buttocks. ( Repeat with opposite leg)
Most muscle cramps are not serious. If you experienced severe, frequent, constant muscle cramps or of concern, consult medical advices.

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